On the Demise of HDHomeRun Premium TV
Today, SiliconDust, the makers of HDHomeRun, announced that their Premium TV service would end in 30 days. While we all saw the writing on the wall with the lawsuit against their upstream provider, it's now official.
What does this mean for Channels?
Channels will continue to support the HDHomeRun Premium TV channels as long as the service is working. Eventually, the service will be shut down and the channels will no longer show up in your guide.
The channels should disappear as smoothly as they appeared when the service first launched.
What about the future?
The HDHomeRun Premium channels did a lot to fill in the gaps for customers that were only getting OTA channels. It's tough to see them go.
Moving forward, we still want Channels to be the go to app for watching TV and movies for your whole family. We'll be spending a lot of the year investigating new and fresh ways of getting content inside Channels.